Build Science #6: Achieving Building Science

The Fundamentals of Building Science

Achieving building science starts with understanding its core principles. It's about comprehending how a building interacts with its environment, particularly in how heat, air, and moisture move through a building assembly. This understanding is crucial for creating effective designs and choosing the right materials.

Control Layers: The Backbone of Building Science

The essence of achieving building science lies in the concept of control layers. These layers include water management, air management, vapor management, and thermal control. Each layer plays a specific role in ensuring the building performs optimally.

  1. Water Management: The primary goal here is to prevent water ingress, which can lead to structural damage. Techniques include proper flashing, rain screens, and ensuring good drainage around the building.

  2. Air Management: Achieving airtightness is vital for energy efficiency and indoor comfort. This involves meticulous sealing of the building envelope, using materials like house wraps and sealants, and ensuring windows and doors are properly installed.

  3. Vapor Management: Vapor control involves managing moisture levels within the building to prevent issues like mold growth. This requires a combination of proper ventilation and selecting the right insulation materials for the building's climate.

  4. Thermal Control: Effective insulation is key to maintaining comfortable indoor temperatures. It involves not just the choice of insulation material but also understanding its placement and how it interacts with other components.

Blower Door Tests: Measuring Airtightness

One practical tool in achieving building science is the blower door test. This test measures the airtightness of a building and helps identify leaks that can compromise energy efficiency and comfort.

The Role of Modern Windows in Building Science

Windows are a critical component of the control layers. Modern windows, especially those with high-performance ratings like PG 70, provide excellent water, air, and thermal control while still offering aesthetic appeal. They're a testament to how far building technology has come.

Educating Clients and Teams

Achieving building science is not just a technical endeavor; it's also about educating our clients and construction teams. Understanding why certain practices are adopted can lead to better decision-making and more effective building practices.


Achieving building science is about integrating principles into every decision we make, from design to material selection to construction techniques. As builders and architects, our role is to ensure these principles are applied to create buildings that are not just structurally sound but also comfortable, healthy, and energy-efficient.

In our next blog post, we will focus on water management, a critical aspect of building science and the number one factor in ensuring a structure's durability and longevity.


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Build Science #5: Where is Building Science?